Lottery Fund Awards Half a Million Pounds to Restore Welsh Rivers!

Guest Article by Carlos Garcia de Leaniz of Swansea University
The Project ‘Reconnecting the Salmon Rivers of Wales’ led by Swansea University has been awarded £500,000 for barrier removal from the Nature Networks Fund (Lottery Fund).
This project will help reconnect five iconic Atlantic salmon rivers in Wales and revert the impacts caused by habitat fragmentation. Reconnecting quality habitats for salmon will make salmon populations less isolated and therefore more resilient to future change. It will also benefit many other aquatic species, including the freshwater pearl mussel, sea trout, sea lamprey, white-clawed crayfish, and the Eurasian otter who require free-flowing rivers.

Some of the barriers targeted in the project
In collaboration with our partners (Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Water, West Wales River Trust, Afonydd Cymru, Afan Valley Angling Club) we will remove and/or ease 17 disused barriers and help reconnect 141 km of fragmented river habitats across Wales.

Map of barriers for removal or easement in Wales
We will use the AMBER Barrier Tracker app to engage with local communities and showcase the benefits of collaboration in river restoration.