To be or not to be… removed | International seminar on dam removal
Sweden, 24 – 26 September 2018

Karlstad University (KAU), Hudiksvall municipality, County Board Gävleborg and Dam Removal Europe (DRE) partners invite you to join the third DRE seminar from 24 to 26 September 2018 at the Kulturhuset Glada Hudik, Hudiksvall (Sweden).
To be or not to be… removed. A question that depends on many factors. Factors we will discuss during this amazing 3 day seminar. The three days will be filled with talks by international speakers who will be talking about Dam Removals, Hydropower, Cultural Values, Policies, “Dam Removal for Dummies” and much more. It is an unique opportunity, for those of you dealing with dam removal issues, now or in the near future, to learn from real cases throughout Europe and USA.
The first day of the seminar different aspects from the dam removal world will be discussed, such as social issues, hydro-industry perspective, existing policies in Europe and the Water Framework Directive.
The second day will focus on real case studies, already carried out or to be done in different EU countries and US. There will be a special guest from France, describing the studies and preparations being carried out in the upcoming biggest dam removal in Europe, the Vézin Dam (36 m). The last and third day we will enjoy a field visit to dam removal sites around Hudiksvall, both already removed dams and dams to be removed in the near future. There are still some open slots available for experts that would like to present their dam removal cases and experiences. Feel free to contact Pao Fernandez Garrido ( The complete program will be published at the end of June 2018.
Keynote speakers:
- Jaakko Erkinaro – Natural Resources Institute, Finland (LUKE). The bigger picture of migratory salmonids and dams (prel. title);
- Anne Shaffer – Coastal Watershed Institute (USA). Nearshore effects of the Elwha dam removal;
- Pao Fernandez Garrido – Dam Removal Europe/World Fish Migration Foundation (Spain). Dam Removal for Dummies;
- Stephane Fraisse – French National Institute for Agricultural Research. Pre- and post-removal study of Vézin and La Roche dams.
The seminar is fully booked!
Travel information:
Hudiksvall is located North of Stockholm on the Baltic coastline. The high speed train takes you from Stockholm to Hudiksvall in around two and a half hours. Follow this link to book a train ticket.
If you need hotel reservation, please contact the hotel directly. We have pre-booked a number of rooms at the hotels below. Please, make your reservation as soon as possible. Contact the hotel by e-mail or phone. To book the room you need a credit card number with an expiration date. To receive the room rate below, refer to the stated booking reference.
Accounts are to be settled directly with the hotel. The hotel honour major credit cards.
Note that the limited number of rooms are available until the end of August 13. After that, the availability is not guaranteed.
Quality Hotel Statt
Address: Storgatan 36, 824 30 Hudiksvall
Phone: +46 65015060
Booking reference: Vattenkonferens
Hotell Hudik
Address: Norra Kyrkogatan 11, 824 30 Hudiksvall
Phone: +46 650 54 10 00
Booking reference: Vattenkonferens

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