Full removal or replacement/remodeling? Can the latter be also an effective way towards river restoration?
In the context of in-stream barrier removals, we often discuss whether a barrier can be fully removed or has to be replaced/remodeled to account for the contemporary conditions concerning ecohydrology (e.g., floodplain vegetation upstream), use (e.g., as a navigational waterway) or buildings/settlements nearby. Often, “removal” carries a significantly more positive message than “remodel”, and many people seem to be under the impression that a proper ecological restoration warrants full removal of any anthropogenic in-stream structures. Therefore, we would like to open up the discussion and show examples of cases in which remodeling rather than removing barriers is the way to move forward, what smart ways and tweaks exist to bring down costs and maximize ecological gain (e.g., by reusing material from the former barrier) and what the respective pros and cons of these two fundamentally different approaches are.
OCTOBER 26th 2023 | 16:30 – 17:30 CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME
The World Fish Migration Foundation, the Resources Legacy Fund, Rewilding Europe and WWF invite river and restoration practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and students to a 1-hour, international, infotaining webinar focusing on the why and how of barrier removals. We will showcase unique projects, interview dam buster heroes, share insights, but first and foremost, we will have fun! The event builds on experience from projects across Europe and the US.
This Dam Removal Europe Cafe is organized by World Fish Migration Foundation on behalf of Dam Removal Europe with sponsorship from Open Rivers Fund, a program of Resources Legacy Fund supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. It is hosted by WWF Germany, Alpine Rivers Office. In-kind support is provided by Rewilding Europe and WWF.
Chris Bowser, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, USA – Opening
Arturo Prieto Blanco, Duero Hydrographic Confederation (CHD), Spain – Interview from the field
Johannes Schnell, Federal Angling Association Bavaria, Germany
Florian Derntl, EZB-Fluss, Austria
Breaking News!
Brian Bair, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA
Registration and questions
For free registration follow this link to EventBrite. For questions regarding the program contact Foivos Mouchlianitis (foivos@fishmigration.org).
Language: English
We are opening for sponsoring by companies and NGO’s. Please contact Herman Wanningen (herman@fishmigration.org) for information about sponsorships.
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