New year, new removals, new hope for our rivers! Join the 4th DRE Café to celebrate recent successes and learn about upcoming projects!
Let’s ride the wave!
MARCH 2nd, 2023 | 16:30 – 17:30 CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME
Like all things, dams, weirs and culverts have a lifetime, and many of them are currently obsolete. Thankfully, barrier removal is no longer crazy talk and it’s getting more and more attention. Let’s exchange knowledge and insights and let’s mainstream this movement!
The World Fish Migration Foundation, the Resources Legacy Fund, Rewilding Europe and WWF invite river and restoration practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and students to a 1-hour, international, “infotraining” webinar focusing on the why and how of barrier removals. We will showcase unique projects, interview dam buster heroes, share insights, but first and foremost, we will have fun! The event builds on experience from projects across Europe and the US.
This Dam Removal Europe Cafe is organized by World Fish Migration Foundation on behalf of Dam Removal Europe with sponsorship from Open Rivers Fund, a program of Resources Legacy Fund supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. In-kind support is provided by Rewilding Europe and WWF.
16:30 : Opening
Chris Bowser, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, USA
Tore Solbakken, Gudbrandsdal Sports Fishing Association – Upcoming removals in Norway (interview from the field)
Branka Španiček, WWF Adria – First dam removals in the Balkans
16:50 : Music break
César Rodríguez, AEMS – Ríos con Vida, Spain
Will Millard, writer, BBC presenter, and expedition leader
Lena Hommes, Wageningen University – Social conflicts around dam removal in Spain
Breaking news !
Eric Hutchings, NOAA Restoration Center, US – Bostik Dam Removal project (interview from the field)
17:23 : Closure
17:30 : End
Registration and questions
For free registration follow this link to EventBrite. For questions regarding the program contact Foivos Mouchlianitis (
Language: English
We are opening for sponsoring by companies and NGO’s. Please contact Herman Wanningen ( for information about sponsorships.
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