Live from Belgium! Join us to celebrate a recent culvert removal in the Rulles and Anlier river basin
Connect to the Dam Removal Europe YouTube channel on September 5 at 13:00 CET
We are thrilled to announce another live event celebrating the significant ecological restoration efforts in the Rulles and Anlier river basin, in south Belgium. Join us Nicolas Mayon from Parc Naturel Haute-Sûre Foret d’Anlier and Wallonia Environment tell us more about the plans to remove eleven culverts, a vital step towards preserving the endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel and revitalizing the river ecosystem.
We invite you to join us for a special live broadcast on the Dam Removal Europe YouTube channel to learn more about this river restoration effort and its impact on local biodiversity.
© Nature Park Haute-Sûre Foret d’Anlier – Wallonia
The project, funded by the European Open Rivers Programme, focuses on removing eleven culverts that have fragmented river sections at the Rulles and Anlier basins, critical habitats for the endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera). These rivers, flowing through the Forêt d’Anlier, support over 90% of Belgium’s remaining pearl mussel population.
Pearl mussels thrive in pristine water conditions with natural river flow and healthy Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario) populations, essential for their lifecycle. Recent surveys indicate suboptimal trout levels due to fragmented spawning grounds.
By removing these barriers, the organisations aim to restore 28 km of river sections, enhancing trout populations and supporting species like the European Sculpin (Cottus gobio) and brook Lamprey (Lampetra planeri).
© Nature Park Haute-Sûre Foret d’Anlier – Wallonia
If you missed the live event, you can watch the recording!